Jeunesse Internationaliste pour le Kurdistan
Struggles for autonomy in Kurdistan & corporate complicity in the repression of social movements in Rojava and Bakur
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Glossary of terms and acronyms
Part 1: A brief history of Kurdish struggles
Part 2: An introduction to democratic confederalism in Kurdistan
From Marxist-Leninism to democratic confederalism
Adiagram of democratic autonomyin Bakur
Democratic confederalism in practice in Bakur
Democratic confederalism in practice in Rojava
A diagram of democratic confederalism in Rojava
A call for critical solidarity
Part 3: Democratic autonomyin Bakur
An interview with the Democratic Society Congress (DTK)
A conversation with the Wan Economic Commission
Workers’ co-ops in the Wan region
An interview with the Women’s Academy in Amed
Part 4: Democratic confederalism in Rojava
A conversation with TEV-DEM’s Bedran Gia Kurd
A very serious women’s revolution
A conversation with Kongreya Star
A meeting with Kobanê’s Democratic Youth Union
Meeting the politicians
Part 5: Voices from the struggles for freedom in Bakur
Turkey’s bloodiest massacre & displacement ofthe Kurds since the 1990s is
happening now
The struggle for autonomy in Farqîn
The struggle for autonomy in Cizîr
Living with Turkish militarism in Bakur
LGBT struggles in Bakur
Women on the frontlines ofKurdish struggles: an interview with JINHA
The Roboski massacre: An interview with Servet Encu, a survivor
« They stole my childhood »: The trauma ofbeing a Kurdish child in the 1990s
From fascist to anti-militarist: An interview with a Turkish ex-soldier
Imprisoned for singing in Kurdish: support Nûdem Durak
Interviews with Kurdish political prisoners
« There is no justice in Turkey for Kurds »: The imprisonment ofKurdish mayors
« These people were killed…their killers are free » : A meeting with Meya-der in Cizîr
Popular struggle against Turkish military bases in Bakur
Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan: an interview with Revolutionary Anarchist Action
Part 6: Ecological struggles in Bakur
Save Hasankeyf, stop the Ilısu dam
An interview with Batman Ecology Assembly
Wan Economic Commission speak about ecology
Part 7: The struggle against Daesh
Rebuilding Kobanê
The Rojava revolution and the Islamic State: A clash of ideologies
Part 8: Companies complicit in repression in Kurdistan
Arms companies
A company profile: Otokar
A company profile: Aselsan
In brief: more Turkish arms companies
International arms company profile: Lockheed Martin
International arms company profile: BAE Systems
In brief: International arms companies supplying the Turkish military
Arms companies supplying the Turkish police
Companies complicit in ecological destruction in Kurdistan
Companies involved in dams: Andritz
Other companies involved in dams
Mining companies
A company profile: Turkish Airlines
Part 9: Act in solidarity with the people of Kurdistan
Solidarity with prisoners
Solidarity with Kobanê.
Other ways to act in solidarity

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